This week has been jam packed with exciting things, many of them involving the floor. It was kicked off at the academy by me completing my first ever bande em pe, a foot sweep which is actually very easy if the timing is right. I didn't for a moment think I would pull it off, and I felt pretty bad afterwards for doing it. Earlier that night I played a good, long game with Ralil and at the end of it, he kicked martelo and I got out of the way but my arm came up automatically to grab his leg for a queda (which is a way to grab someone's kicking leg then sweep their standing foot out from under them). I didn't grab him, but I thought afterwards that it would have been better for me to have shown a bande em pe. I thought to myself that I need to make the bande em pe attempt as automatic as the queda attempt. So, in this other game, when the other person threw a martelo, I remember what I had said to myself and went in for the bande em pe at the exact right moment. It was mostly luck that caused the other person to fall, almost entirely luck.
I guess luck was sort of on my side at the start of last week because the next night when we had a big roda at Nagi's class, I was the one to fall. Lots of people came from all the differnt classes in Brasilia and we trained maculele first, then did some movements across the room. Then we were separated into two rodas, one for graduados and one for the rest of us novos. At the end of the night the novos joined the graduados and I decided to just watch. No one under a blue cord was buying the game, and I wasnt exactly sure if we had been told we could play or not, so I found a good spot to view and enjoyed the games. But then, I'm not sure what happened, I thought I'd give it a shot and go in to play. So, I bought the game with a girl who trains with Zezinho and we had a good game. Very fast, but totaly controlled. Beija Flor bought the game with me and we continued the speed. She tried to give me a vingativa, but I wrapped by leg around hers just as she started to lift me off the ground and I got out of it. I returned to my ginga, we exchanged a few more kicks and after one of my kicks, the next thing I knew I was flying across the roda after being pushed somehow by her. I landed on my butt and my right elbow pretty hard and everyone holding down the roda on the at side had to quickly get out of the way. I found out the next day that my elbow had landed on someone's foot and broke his toe in three places. He said that his docotr said my elbow would be shattered if I hadn't landed on him. When I told Nagi, he said it was because of an intervention by god and that it's better to break a toe than shatter an elbow, whch I know is true, but I still feel terrible (even though it's nobody's fault). It was the first time I've been taken down in since I arrived, and until I found out about the toe sbreakage, I was actually really happy about it. I had defended one attack perfectly and got taken down by another. A good balance for me, I think.
'But luck has to run out sometime and in order to notice that things are balanced, sometimes they have to get unbalanced first. The next two days were spent rehearsing for the big show at the National Theater. I had been rehearsing for maculele since I arrived and was really excited because I was picked as one of five pairs of people who'd play in the open roda at the end of the choreography. Papiba had even pulled me aside after he saw a rehersal to tell me that he really liked my maculele style. I also was going to be the orchestra de berimbaus and got talked into doing Maracatu. All went well at the rehearsals and all went well at the show. Except for the fact that as I was running across the stage to meet up with my open roda partner, I slipped and fell. Doh!!! I got up right away with no injury anywhere other than my pride and did my bit with as much confidence as I could muster. Later I found out that two other girls slipped and fell during the choreography for the principals, the result of a dry wood stage floor, I think. So I didn't feel so bad. But I should have banged my sticks on the floor for the 3-4 count on my way up to make it seem like the fall was on purpose. Oh well. Next time. Maracatu went perfectly, so I'm trying to focus on that success.
I gave my camera to a friend in the audience who took millions of pictures so I'll post some sometime soon.
This weekend will hopefully involve some water/pool action and a pagode party. I leave very early on Tuesday morning to start my excursion to the beaches. First -- Itacare, then Barra Grande, then Morro de Sao Paulo, then Salvador. I'll be gone for two weeks and will return to Brasilia for about two more weeks.
I'm savoring every moment, but time is still flying by....
Untul next time!!!
Friday, July 30, 2010
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Fear and loving in Brasilia
The title of this post is a bit of a trick, because I'm not actually to write about loving, though I am loving my time here so I guess in a roundabout way, I'll be writing about it. But if you think this post will be rich with details of my love life here, you are dead wrong!!
In any case, it has been a long time since I had time to write. On Saturday, I spent another day lounging around at the club. After all of my zooando (messing with) Nagi for having an easy job, someone almost drowned in the pool and he and Dudu had to put their skills to work to rescue her I missed it all because I was absorbed in my reading of Assata Shakur's autobiography, but I take back everything I said. Their job is serious, serio. After the club, we met up with some of Nagi and Dudu's students for a street roda, which was lots of fun. Dudu's group is different than Raizes, but the people are great, play beautiful games and challenge me to be faster, more precise and ....well better. I guess this is one of the first fears I'm facing here -- the fear of playing with people whose games I don't know and whose training background I don't know. Playing with people from Dudu's group really doesn't invoke much fear for me at all, but the general idea always has so I'm glad for this chance to see that as long as I take the time to watch everyone and understand the nature and temperment of their games, I am able to participate, be safe and have fun.
On Sunday, Beija Flor called and came over to take me out. We picked up Vampira and spent the day at two of Brasilia's museums; the Museo de Indios and the Museo Nacional. We were able to go inside the Catetral Metropolitana de Brasilia just before they closed to see the sunlight beaming in through the starbusrt windows. Then we went to the fancy schmancy Pontao shopping and dining area on Lake Paranoa to have a bowl of acai and watch sunset. I had a great time with these ladies and we talked a lot about race and class differences and similarities between the US and Brasil. I love that I am able to have meaningful conversations in Portuguese, though sometimes someone asks me my age and for the life of my I don't understand the question. (Though now that I know that idade means age, I'm catching on.)
Monday was another great day of water. We went to Alt Plano Leste to visit an amazing series of waterfalls there. I had to face many of my fears on Monday. Most of these fears are very silly and I'm glad to be confronting them to see just how silly they are. We rode by motorcycle for about 25 minutes; I was with Jad on his bike and Nagi had Karita on his. The last part of the ride was over a very bumpy dirt path the type of which terrified me when Nagi and I rode in Jamaica, but by now I have figured out how to go with the bumps and hold on tight at the same time. Jad was being a very cautious driver because he had once had a bad crash on a bicycle, so I felt safe. When we got there, I saw that there was a series of rocks and boulders that we'd have to climb over to get to the waterfall itself. I hate rocks and boulders. Well, I don't hatet them, I love them, but I prefer to walk next to them rather than on them. I seem to have trouble determining the slope and am always unsure of my steps. And of course, one slip results in a very hard landing. As I walked in, I realized that there was nothing at all to fear. My balance and awareness and strength is so improved (clearly as a result of capoeira), and I found myself moving slowly but with surety all the way. The waterfall isn't very steep but it meanders for a while before falling into a deep pool, perfect for swimming, surrounded by large flat rocks, perfect for sunning.
I did both and even explored the area behind this main pool to see another series of waterfalls -- steeper and without swimable pools at their end.
When it was time to go I was bummed because I could have spent the whole week there. The hike out (I really shouldn't call it a hike -- it only took about five minutes) was much easier because most of it was on an incline so I had gravity working with me. Whenever I got scared, I went into carangeijo and crawled my way through. In my head I was singing, "Olho sapo-o, e urso-o, tem kangaroo-oo-oo, e carangeijo."
The other great part of Monday was that we drove over the Ponte JK two times and this time, on the motorcycle, I was really able to enjoy the view of the bridge cables passing overhead. Supercool.
Monday night I trained at the academy and took the bus there for the first time. It was so easy. And cheap ($2 Reals). Zezinho's class was really fun. We worked on meia lua de compasso rasteira and some floreios. Ralil drove me home and on the way back told me that my game has gotten better and that he sees me able to do a lot more because I am lighter. It was so nice to hear this encouragement, and I feel the same. But especially here, I feel lighter and bouncier. It's amazing what 2 weeks of vacation can do!
Tuesday was mellow. I cooked a delicious pasta bolognese for the house and everyone enjoyed it a lot. We had to go on a search for a wine opener by knocking on neighbor's doors but I kept telling Jad that the sauce can't be made without wine. It's true, and after he ate it, he agreed. Trained in Nagi's class on Tuesday night where we worked on vingativa and a very beautiful combination that involves bananeira. During the training I was partnered with Coru who kept me on my toes my defending my vingativas with foot sweeps, going in for quedas on my martelos, and trying to escala my forehead whenever I was close. When I began returning the favor (with a queda that sent him to the floor), he was happily surprised and we spent most of the rest of the class practicing our malandragem in addition to the movements Nagi gave. Mutley came for the roda and we got to talk for a while -- it was great to see him finally.
Wednesday was laundry day. Yes, even on vacation there must be a laundry day. But now all of my clothes are clean and fresh. Even though I packed as minimally as possible, I realize now that I still overpacked. I've been wearing the same five items over and over and have a stack of tank tops that are as of yet untouched. I'll have to go shopping for a dress to wear to Jad's wedding at the end of next month, which I am looking forward to. But I am not looking forward to the shoe shopping. Shoes are very epxensive here.
Last night I participated in a presentation of Brazilian arts for the military school here. About 20 of us from Raizes held a roda for the audience, with some people doing solos first. I played a couple of games which were fun. But the most enjoyable part of the night was the roda we held backstage before the show. The energy was great and the games were fast. See?
Friday, July 16, 2010
The speedy scissors -- ignore this post if you aren't interested in capoeira
When I finally learned how to do the slow Tesoura (scissor) move, it pretty much transformed my Angola game, opening up a whole set of movements beyond the slow meia lua de compasso and urso crawl. Last year while watchng the more advanced players in the jogos, I saw that almost everyone applied the tesoura move in their fast Sao Bento Grande games. (And of course, I had seen Foca pull this move in Santa Cruz in 2008 to take down a huge guy by flying across the room Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon style.) On Wednesday night at the academy, in Zezinho's class, I learned how to do this movement in a fast game. I understand now why it is such a cool/powerful dangerous move, and why it is executed by more advanced students. It'll be a while before I try it in the roda because one false move, one inch too far, causes a knee landing which results in a nasty bruise on the patella. (Yes, say hello to my bruised left knee. In case I forgot it was there, I'll be reminded of it for the next few days.) The bruise is not a big deal, but it's a great reminder that if I plan to leap at someone on my hands and grab them with my legs to force them to fall on me before climbing over them to get up in time to knee them in the face, I should really get my technique down very well first.
We also trained another move, which I'll keep secret for now, that I was able to execute perfectly and have added to my repetoire of sneaky attacks. I pulled it off twice in that night's roda and again last night at Nagi's class. I also got to do my au to peao de mao (spelled wrong, but I'm referring to the handspin move we'd been training a lot back in Brooklyn) in the roda front of Nagi for the first time and he got so excited! I was playing a really fast game with Coru (a blue/green cord) and totally held my own. Nagi kept yelling "Olha Abobora Look at Abobora!!" The rodas in Nagi's classes are very lively, with people almost constantly yelling out commendations and cheers of excitement at what's going on with the players.
What Tataruga wrote about players in Brazil is true, everyone gets so happy when a move is well-exectued, even if it means they are the recipient of a rasteira or a well placed kick. For example, last night I was training 2 by 2 with Cachinho, a girl who I had played with at last year's jogos and who has a great game. I've been wearing my sneakers to train because it helps support my ankle, but it also makes me afraid of hitting someone because, let's face it, it hurts alot more to get hit with a foot within a sneaker than just the foot alone. We were training three golpe rodados -- one round kick from me, one from her, another from me. I started with armada, she returned meia lua de compasso, and I returned with a quexada at the exact moment when she was a little off balance from finishing her kick and damn near konked her right in the face. I made a face of "I'm sorry!" and said I was worried about getting her with my shoes, but she just smiled genuinely and said "Nao, boa Abobora. Perfeito, Don't apologize -- good work, Abobora. Perfect." When I read Tatruga's book about this attitude, my own attitude was very much transformed. Now that I am experiencing this attitude on a daily basis, I am transforming even more. Rather than get mad at someone for doing a movement well, or mad at myself for getting caught, it is so much more fun to appreciate the execution and skill of your friend/player.
We also trained another move, which I'll keep secret for now, that I was able to execute perfectly and have added to my repetoire of sneaky attacks. I pulled it off twice in that night's roda and again last night at Nagi's class. I also got to do my au to peao de mao (spelled wrong, but I'm referring to the handspin move we'd been training a lot back in Brooklyn) in the roda front of Nagi for the first time and he got so excited! I was playing a really fast game with Coru (a blue/green cord) and totally held my own. Nagi kept yelling "Olha Abobora Look at Abobora!!" The rodas in Nagi's classes are very lively, with people almost constantly yelling out commendations and cheers of excitement at what's going on with the players.
What Tataruga wrote about players in Brazil is true, everyone gets so happy when a move is well-exectued, even if it means they are the recipient of a rasteira or a well placed kick. For example, last night I was training 2 by 2 with Cachinho, a girl who I had played with at last year's jogos and who has a great game. I've been wearing my sneakers to train because it helps support my ankle, but it also makes me afraid of hitting someone because, let's face it, it hurts alot more to get hit with a foot within a sneaker than just the foot alone. We were training three golpe rodados -- one round kick from me, one from her, another from me. I started with armada, she returned meia lua de compasso, and I returned with a quexada at the exact moment when she was a little off balance from finishing her kick and damn near konked her right in the face. I made a face of "I'm sorry!" and said I was worried about getting her with my shoes, but she just smiled genuinely and said "Nao, boa Abobora. Perfeito, Don't apologize -- good work, Abobora. Perfect." When I read Tatruga's book about this attitude, my own attitude was very much transformed. Now that I am experiencing this attitude on a daily basis, I am transforming even more. Rather than get mad at someone for doing a movement well, or mad at myself for getting caught, it is so much more fun to appreciate the execution and skill of your friend/player.
Dom Bosco -- Not just a delicious pizzaria
As the story goes, Dom Bosco predicted something about the end of the world. He said that the only place that would remain inhabited by people was at a certain latitude and longitude, near a lake. As it turns out, that place is here in Brasilia, and I think this wouldn't be the worst place to be after the end of the rest of the world. I came to this place at night last year with Fernanda, Tapioca and Raizes Dudu, and went back yesterday with Nagi, Karita and another of Nagi's students, Muricoca. We walked down to that dock to hang around and jump in the lake to swim (it was freeeeeeezing!!!!). But mostly, we rested on the dock, enjoying the warmth of the sun.
Karita and I had spent the morning at the gym where Nagi works getting a personal training session from Marciel. I learned lots of great new exercizes to strengthen and soften my ankle and knee. We also did three rounds of excruciating abs, as evidence by my inability to laugh or breathe today without being reminded of them (ouch!). But I guess that's also why I feel comfortable posting the picture above of my in my teeniest bikini.
In order to come home, we drove over the famous JK Bridge with three arches. For some reason, I love driving on bridges and looking out the window up at the suspension cables (I am still awed by the Sunshine Skyway bridge in Florida every time I pass through it). Here was my view from the car:
At nearly every stop light in Brasilia, someone is on the corner selling something. Sometimes it's towels or maps, sometimes it's fruit or papers. Yesterday, I saw the most interesting attempt to get money at a stop light -- a juggling mime! We were listening to a Brazilian band called Skank (bouncy, fun, circusy Ska music), when we pulled up to the light. The mime appeared from the center island of the road with a big red clown nose and three or four juggling balls and began his entertainment. The music was a perfect accompaniment to his 2 minute show. We all dug into our pockets for some $ and gave him a big round of applause when he finished.
Karita and I had spent the morning at the gym where Nagi works getting a personal training session from Marciel. I learned lots of great new exercizes to strengthen and soften my ankle and knee. We also did three rounds of excruciating abs, as evidence by my inability to laugh or breathe today without being reminded of them (ouch!). But I guess that's also why I feel comfortable posting the picture above of my in my teeniest bikini.
In order to come home, we drove over the famous JK Bridge with three arches. For some reason, I love driving on bridges and looking out the window up at the suspension cables (I am still awed by the Sunshine Skyway bridge in Florida every time I pass through it). Here was my view from the car:
At nearly every stop light in Brasilia, someone is on the corner selling something. Sometimes it's towels or maps, sometimes it's fruit or papers. Yesterday, I saw the most interesting attempt to get money at a stop light -- a juggling mime! We were listening to a Brazilian band called Skank (bouncy, fun, circusy Ska music), when we pulled up to the light. The mime appeared from the center island of the road with a big red clown nose and three or four juggling balls and began his entertainment. The music was a perfect accompaniment to his 2 minute show. We all dug into our pockets for some $ and gave him a big round of applause when he finished.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Speaking of rodas....
I don't think I wrote about this before....last week on Wednesday was my first time at Ralil's academy. This was another thing I missed last year....but I don't know, for me, I kind of prefer going alone, no offense to anyone. The experience of being there alone, without Foca or Ana or any of my other Capoeira Brooklyn peeps meant that the only one who had my back was me (not that there was any danger that I needed someone to protect me from...and also Nagi was there, but it was somehow different...). We arrived in time for the roda before class and there were about 20 people there of all different cord levels. Even the amarela/crua cords were very very good. I wanted to watch for a while, to see the nature of the games, to have the chance to play atabaque and berimbau a bit and contribute my good energy before playing. As I watched, I found myself feeling the same fear of entering the roda that I felt in my first month or two of capoeira, the same fear I see in some of those who are in or just finished the Absolute Beginner series at our academy. At first I thought, Abobora, don't feel this way. You know what you're doing; you know how to play and have fun and be safe and all that. But then I started to relish the feeling, which I think is a feeling we forget pretty quicly once we become comfortable entering the roda and playing a lot. I mean, really, some days I know I have to keep myself from buying the game every two minutes. I enjoyed this reminder of how far I've come, and of how much the moment of entering a new roda with new people is to be experienced throroughly.
Of course, after a while I started playing, buying the game with Mestre Ralil first. And all at once I felt like I was home. In so many ways, capoeira is home to me, and I know that I carry this home on my back like a snail carries its house.
Of course, after a while I started playing, buying the game with Mestre Ralil first. And all at once I felt like I was home. In so many ways, capoeira is home to me, and I know that I carry this home on my back like a snail carries its house.
Water, water everywhere.
The past two days have revolved around water. On Monday, after spending the morning grading papers for the online class I'm teaching while I'm here, we went to Aqua Mineral. Last year, when the huge group of Brooklynites came here, most of them went to this beautiful place with two large pools filled with fresh mineral water, but because I was staying with Leo, I didn't make it out for these excursions (and I substituted for it by lounging by his rooftop pool as much as possible). So, yesterday was my first time there, and it was lovely. The water was a bit cold at first, but once I was hot from the sun it felt great.
We stayed until it closed at 4pm and went to the snack bar for pastels and caldo de cana (sugar cane juice). With a squirt of lemon, it was so delicious!! Later that night, I went to the academy and caught the last part of Zezinho's class where we trained the mei lua de compasso queda. I already know how to do this move, but he taught us a way to end it where you kind of toss the person away from you after they fall which I, of course, loved. Then he had a roda with just about 10 people, but the energy was great and I got to play with almost everyone there. Then Raizes Dudu came to teach the next class where we trained the entrance for that same queda by doing this combo: 1. armada 2. deseda, troca, negative, subeda por atrais 2. mei lus de compasso 1. esqiva and entre por queda. I had to laugh because he pulled Foca's old trick whenever he saw us getting very tired, he'd say "OK, time for a break, let's rest here by doing 40 knee lifts or by doing 30 ganchus." Everyone was like, "That's what you call a break??!!" I didn't mind because, unlike Foca, Dudu let us drink water whenever we felt like it, so I felt ready for anything. My ankle is really doing well here, and I'm so happy that I don't have to sit on the sidelines and can really take advantage of my time in Brasilia to train and play with different people.
This morning I woke up early to go with the other Dudu to a small waterfall, Samadiga (not sure of the spelling, or the pronunciation for that matter. And Nagi tells me that different people call this place by different names, but that usually no estrangeiros (foreigners) are taken there). It was beautiful.
We brought Tigressa, Nagi's awesome dog, and spent all morning and part of the afternoon there. Nagi joined us after he got off of work and some other friends of theirs happened to arrive there, too. It was a lovely way to pass the day.
On the way home, me and Nagi talked a lot about how lucky I am to have my job teaching online so that I can be able to be on vacation and work a little at the same time with little stress. I might not have employer contributions to my retirement fund, but I have Brazil!!
We stayed until it closed at 4pm and went to the snack bar for pastels and caldo de cana (sugar cane juice). With a squirt of lemon, it was so delicious!! Later that night, I went to the academy and caught the last part of Zezinho's class where we trained the mei lua de compasso queda. I already know how to do this move, but he taught us a way to end it where you kind of toss the person away from you after they fall which I, of course, loved. Then he had a roda with just about 10 people, but the energy was great and I got to play with almost everyone there. Then Raizes Dudu came to teach the next class where we trained the entrance for that same queda by doing this combo: 1. armada 2. deseda, troca, negative, subeda por atrais 2. mei lus de compasso 1. esqiva and entre por queda. I had to laugh because he pulled Foca's old trick whenever he saw us getting very tired, he'd say "OK, time for a break, let's rest here by doing 40 knee lifts or by doing 30 ganchus." Everyone was like, "That's what you call a break??!!" I didn't mind because, unlike Foca, Dudu let us drink water whenever we felt like it, so I felt ready for anything. My ankle is really doing well here, and I'm so happy that I don't have to sit on the sidelines and can really take advantage of my time in Brasilia to train and play with different people.
This morning I woke up early to go with the other Dudu to a small waterfall, Samadiga (not sure of the spelling, or the pronunciation for that matter. And Nagi tells me that different people call this place by different names, but that usually no estrangeiros (foreigners) are taken there). It was beautiful.
We brought Tigressa, Nagi's awesome dog, and spent all morning and part of the afternoon there. Nagi joined us after he got off of work and some other friends of theirs happened to arrive there, too. It was a lovely way to pass the day.
On the way home, me and Nagi talked a lot about how lucky I am to have my job teaching online so that I can be able to be on vacation and work a little at the same time with little stress. I might not have employer contributions to my retirement fund, but I have Brazil!!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Pictures on Flickr
I posted some pix to flickr, but there aren't very many and I don't know how to put them in the order I want them in for the photostream. Maybe the photostream can't be altered...I don't know.
Anyway, look at the Brasilia, Brazil set instead of the photostream to see everything (including my comments) in order. I promise to take more pictures and write more, but for now I'm busy doing it all!
Anyway, look at the Brasilia, Brazil set instead of the photostream to see everything (including my comments) in order. I promise to take more pictures and write more, but for now I'm busy doing it all!
Churrasco a.k.a.: Pessoas! Meet Meat!!!
I rarely eat meat, other than chicken and fish. In fact, before last summer's visit here, I hadn't eaten beef for at last five years. But today, I ate so much meat that at one point, I thought I was drugged. I felt like I was about to go under anesthesia. I felt that if I stood up, I'd fall over, so I stayed seated. This only made things worse, because if you're sitting in a chair at a Brazilian bbq (churrraso), someone is gonna bring you a big hunk of delicious meat (sorry to all of my vegetarian friends, but I must speak the truth here).
This afternoon, I had lunch with my friends Bahia and Patricia and two of their adorable kids. We went to a churrasaria called Villa Brasas. I hadn't even had my morning cafe before the long skewers of all kinds of meat began appearing in front of me. I tried a little of almost everything including chicken hearts which were pretty tasty in small doses. Oh and I had salad too. I was pleasantly full when we left, and very happy to finally have been able to see them. Bahia drove over to the area nearby where Edinho teaches classes to about 100 kids at a time, we made plans to hang out again soon, and he dropped me off to meet Jad, who was taking me to his friend's birthday party/world cup party. And it was another churrasco. At a rich person's house. Oh my.
Within the next two hours, I was totally high on meat. Here's how this bbq went: Appetizers were small plates of bbq-ed beef, chicked and bread (yes, I wrote bbq-ed bread, and it was delicious.) Then someone brought out rice, farofa, and salad, and we filled our plates with that and, you guessed it, more meat. Then more small plates of meat were placed on the table. Then more. Then a big plate of fruit came out. more round of meat. I admit I ended my carnivorous evening much sooner than the rest; I gave up before the 2nd round of small plates. But by then, my high was on the verge of turning into an "I need to go lay down on that very expensive couch over there" kind of feeling.
Thank goodness for the special "curing pills" my sister the amazing acupunturist gave to me before I came here. Last year, I learned to carry them with me at all times. I don't know how they work, but they get rid of the meaty overload feeling pretty quickly.
Needless to say, I'll be taking a break from the carne for a few days.
This afternoon, I had lunch with my friends Bahia and Patricia and two of their adorable kids. We went to a churrasaria called Villa Brasas. I hadn't even had my morning cafe before the long skewers of all kinds of meat began appearing in front of me. I tried a little of almost everything including chicken hearts which were pretty tasty in small doses. Oh and I had salad too. I was pleasantly full when we left, and very happy to finally have been able to see them. Bahia drove over to the area nearby where Edinho teaches classes to about 100 kids at a time, we made plans to hang out again soon, and he dropped me off to meet Jad, who was taking me to his friend's birthday party/world cup party. And it was another churrasco. At a rich person's house. Oh my.
Within the next two hours, I was totally high on meat. Here's how this bbq went: Appetizers were small plates of bbq-ed beef, chicked and bread (yes, I wrote bbq-ed bread, and it was delicious.) Then someone brought out rice, farofa, and salad, and we filled our plates with that and, you guessed it, more meat. Then more small plates of meat were placed on the table. Then more. Then a big plate of fruit came out. more round of meat. I admit I ended my carnivorous evening much sooner than the rest; I gave up before the 2nd round of small plates. But by then, my high was on the verge of turning into an "I need to go lay down on that very expensive couch over there" kind of feeling.
Thank goodness for the special "curing pills" my sister the amazing acupunturist gave to me before I came here. Last year, I learned to carry them with me at all times. I don't know how they work, but they get rid of the meaty overload feeling pretty quickly.
Needless to say, I'll be taking a break from the carne for a few days.
Kickboxing class in the city park
I think this was on Thursday...Dudu took me to watch the kickboxing class he teaches in the park. All of his students were very good, many of them have won championships of some sort. The guy in the black shorts (nicknamed Bola because when he was a kid he was a bit fat), is the best one of them all. They also all train capoeira. Watching the class gave me some good ideas for how to improve my own capoeira game, so watch out folks!!
My chef..... I mean, friend.
There are so many Dudus in Brazil, but only one of them cooks delicious vegetarian food for me. Meet Dudu, Nagi's roomate and best friend for almost 20 years. We spend a lot of time hanging out while Nagi is at work in the morning and have been trading recipes and teaching each other our kitchen secrets.
This is the lunch that was made for me my first day here (I wrote about it in an earlier post). My favorite part was, of course, the Abobora Italiano, which is pretty similar to zucchini. Yummy!
This is the lunch that was made for me my first day here (I wrote about it in an earlier post). My favorite part was, of course, the Abobora Italiano, which is pretty similar to zucchini. Yummy!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
so vs sou
The word o (with an accent over the o) means "only." The word sou means "I am." The pronunication is so subtly different that my ear can't yet distinguish between the two. (I already learned the hard way -- no pun intended-- the difference between pao and pao with a ~ over the a: pao with a ~ means bread, pao without it is slang for a hard penis. I learned this after offering someone a piece of my pao de quejo last year. I meant to offer cheese bread, but instead offered cheesy, hard penis. Last night I tried to learn the subtle difference between pouvo (octopus) and povo (the people). Who would want to eat the people? Oh....they're talking about eating octopus.)
Last night I trained at Ralil's academia. More on the details of that great experience later, but while there, I met a young kid (probably about 8 yrs old.) from the neighboring town of Cristalina whose game was so beautiful. The kid was alos beautiful, with long light brown hair tied back in a ponytail. Thus, I assumed this kid was a girl. When I was introduced, I said, "Seu jogo e bonita, your game is beautiful" using bonita to address a girl rather than bonito to address a boy. Th kid was flattered, and replied, "Sou menino." I didn't really hear the "o" for menino (indicating boy) instead of menina (indicating girl), and thought he was "so" being humble, as in, so menino, I'm just a kid.
Another guy from Cristalina was there and let me know my mistake, telling me (in Portugese) that the kid is a meninO (boy), not a meninA (girl). But since I thought the kid was being a bit humble, I somehow misinterpreted everything to mean that the adult was saying that the "girl's" game was so good because she was a tomboy. Ai ai ai. So I go on to say, No...she is a girl - a strong, talented girl. And back and forth like this for a while. Thank goodness Brazilians are so nice. Here I was, insisting that this little boy was actually a little girl, with no idea of my mistake. We started class and I was thinking of the exchange and realized my mistake. I felt terrible. So, on the next break, I went up to the little boy and apologized, saying sorry for my mistake, my portuguese is very bad, I didn't understand anything. He was sweet about it.
Such a good reminder to slow down and really listen. And a good reminder that long hair and a pretty face does not neccessarily indicate a girl.
Last night I trained at Ralil's academia. More on the details of that great experience later, but while there, I met a young kid (probably about 8 yrs old.) from the neighboring town of Cristalina whose game was so beautiful. The kid was alos beautiful, with long light brown hair tied back in a ponytail. Thus, I assumed this kid was a girl. When I was introduced, I said, "Seu jogo e bonita, your game is beautiful" using bonita to address a girl rather than bonito to address a boy. Th kid was flattered, and replied, "Sou menino." I didn't really hear the "o" for menino (indicating boy) instead of menina (indicating girl), and thought he was "so" being humble, as in, so menino, I'm just a kid.
Another guy from Cristalina was there and let me know my mistake, telling me (in Portugese) that the kid is a meninO (boy), not a meninA (girl). But since I thought the kid was being a bit humble, I somehow misinterpreted everything to mean that the adult was saying that the "girl's" game was so good because she was a tomboy. Ai ai ai. So I go on to say, No...she is a girl - a strong, talented girl. And back and forth like this for a while. Thank goodness Brazilians are so nice. Here I was, insisting that this little boy was actually a little girl, with no idea of my mistake. We started class and I was thinking of the exchange and realized my mistake. I felt terrible. So, on the next break, I went up to the little boy and apologized, saying sorry for my mistake, my portuguese is very bad, I didn't understand anything. He was sweet about it.
Such a good reminder to slow down and really listen. And a good reminder that long hair and a pretty face does not neccessarily indicate a girl.
Found: Hot water and a coffeemaker!
So, the first day I arrived at Nagi's house, the first thing I wanted to do was take a shower. It's funny how a person hardly moves or sweats or does anything at all on a 13 hour plane ride, yet can feel so smelly and gross afterwards. When |I arrived, Jad warned me that this was a "house of men," (i.e. messy), but it really isn't so bad. I've lived with men who were much much worse. His bathroom is quite an experience -- picture a stand-up shower with no curtain or other barrier. It is clean, though a bit run down. Without a barrier, the water from the shower naturally goes all over the place, but they have this cool floor squeegee to clean up afterwards. What a way to keep the floors clean! Quite brilliant actually. Anyway. I went in and found only one handle for water, so I turned it up as high as it could go. Cold water. Cold cold water. Not a big deal, but still. Cold water. Forceful pressure, but cold water.
Somehow, the next day, two showers later, I decided not to turn the faucet all the way up. Less pressure, less splashing all over the floor, less water all over my hanging towel. And what do you know....HOT WATER!!! Now I get it. The single handle provides hot water at first, then gets colder the more you turn it. Ah..... hot showers.
Last night, we moved over to Nagi's sisters house, where we'll stay for one week. She is out of town and her place has a bit more room than Nagi's, so we are taking advantage of the opportunity while it's here. One great thing about hanging out with these athletes is the abundance of healthy food and drink. These Brazilians drink more juice than a hungry baby orange can slurp from its mama orange's teat (sorry -- bad analogy... I tried. I failed...What else drinks a lot of juice?). The downside is that many of them don't drink coffee. (Don't drink coffee? Blasphemy!!!!!!) This morning I woke up to find such a great surpise at Nagi's sister's place. Coffee AND a coffeemaker! And milk! And sugar!! Oh sweet gifts of the lord and supermercado. I actually took a picture of it. (But haven't had time to upload pictures yet, so you'll all just have to imagine what the lovely coffeemaker looks like. It is black and sleek and makes one perfect cup of strong yummy cafe.)
It's the little things in life that make the difference...
Somehow, the next day, two showers later, I decided not to turn the faucet all the way up. Less pressure, less splashing all over the floor, less water all over my hanging towel. And what do you know....HOT WATER!!! Now I get it. The single handle provides hot water at first, then gets colder the more you turn it. Ah..... hot showers.
Last night, we moved over to Nagi's sisters house, where we'll stay for one week. She is out of town and her place has a bit more room than Nagi's, so we are taking advantage of the opportunity while it's here. One great thing about hanging out with these athletes is the abundance of healthy food and drink. These Brazilians drink more juice than a hungry baby orange can slurp from its mama orange's teat (sorry -- bad analogy... I tried. I failed...What else drinks a lot of juice?). The downside is that many of them don't drink coffee. (Don't drink coffee? Blasphemy!!!!!!) This morning I woke up to find such a great surpise at Nagi's sister's place. Coffee AND a coffeemaker! And milk! And sugar!! Oh sweet gifts of the lord and supermercado. I actually took a picture of it. (But haven't had time to upload pictures yet, so you'll all just have to imagine what the lovely coffeemaker looks like. It is black and sleek and makes one perfect cup of strong yummy cafe.)
It's the little things in life that make the difference...
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Eu chegei, voce chegou, eu chegei, voce chegou
Though I am being understood, my Portuguese is far from perfect, contrary to what the cute guy at the pizzaria said last night. For some reason I keep confusing the past tense conjugations for I and you (as I did in my email announcing this blog. Eu chegou? NO!!! Eu chegei!!). I only can seem to remember the correct way when I sing one of two capoeira songs. The first has the lines "Capoeira e bom para me, capoeira e bom pra voce, eu falei," and the other is Coelho's song, "Meu gunga me falou, que tipo de jogo eu preciso jogar." So, as I speak and try to conjugate in the past tense, I often drift off into these songs in my head to remember the proper form. Or, I envision the handout from one of my Portugese classes that has the regular verb conjugation list. Either way, I'm afraid I look like a space cadet and sometimes just say what comes, and what comes is usually wrong. Oh well!!
Tonight I'll go to class with Mestre Ralil and am watching the world cup (go Espana!!), waiting for Queens to come pick me up. Today Dudu starting talking to me about aking if I wanted to take a weekend trip to o lugar que so tem cachoeiras, a place that only has waterfalls. Uhhhh...yeah!!! Doing so might delay my departure for Salvador by a couple of days. Sounds like a good reason, though.
Nagi just got home...More later!
Tonight I'll go to class with Mestre Ralil and am watching the world cup (go Espana!!), waiting for Queens to come pick me up. Today Dudu starting talking to me about aking if I wanted to take a weekend trip to o lugar que so tem cachoeiras, a place that only has waterfalls. Uhhhh...yeah!!! Doing so might delay my departure for Salvador by a couple of days. Sounds like a good reason, though.
Nagi just got home...More later!
Dias perfeito
So far, so good! After a delightful flight from New York to Brasilia (I had three seats all to myself -- can you say SLEEP?), I arrived here to find my friend Bahia waiting for me at the airport in his slick business suit, ready for work. He brought me to Nagi's house where I met Nagi's big brother, Jad, and his best friend, Dudu. These guys are so nice! We talked all morning, drank suco de caja (caja juice), and began what I hope will be a tradition of laughing a lot. Nagi came home from work a few hours later with his girlfriend, Karita, who is very sweet. He rolled up on his motorcycle, saw my through the open door and said, in his sing-song way, "Abobora!!!!!!" as loud as he could. Many hugs later, we settled in for the delicious pasta lunch made by Dudu. I was a bit worried that I'd be on meat overload like I was last year, but luckily, Dudu is a vegetarian and cooks the most delicious things! (More on that later...) I gave Mestre Ralil a suprise call and he told me to carry his # with me in case I ever need anything. So nice.
Lots of stores are right across the street from Nagi's house, and after lunch we went to the market, then came back and took a great nap. I had the funniest dream during this nap! I was at the market with Nagi and Tapioca and we were waiting in line at a machine to fill bottles with fresh water. I was next in line but a woman came and cut in front of me. I tried to explain to her politely that I was next, but she began screaming at me and causing a scene. Then she called the police! They arrived and questioned us both separately and called in the Cheif of Police. He noticed that Tapioca was wearing a maid's uniform and understood that she was here on a tourist visa but was working as someone's housekeeper here. Knowing he now had us on a real charge, he threatened to take us in. I called Nagi over for help, but though he tried, he got frustrated with the police and the woman causing the trouble and started yelling, making things worse. I was seated next to the Cheif so I whispered in his ear, "Voce conhece Ralil Salomao? Do you know Ralil?" All of a sudden, the dream cut to later and, sure enough, name-dropping Ralil was enough for the police to lift the charges and set us free. Phew!
After waking, I went with Nagi to his class. It was great. I wore my ankle brace and sneakers and didn't feel any pain at all (though I was winded from being so tired). His students are great --very talented and fun to play with. We did a combination of 1. Armada 2. Armada 1. Martelo datrais 2. ponteira 1. bande em pe. It was great. My old friend, Sinistro, who I met in Santa Cruz, came to class and I got to play with him a lot in the roda.
We stopped for pizza and juice on the way home at Dom Bosco, where Coelho is famous for having eaten there every day when he was here last year. They serve two small pieces of pieces folded on top of eachother so that the bottom of the crust is outside and the cheesy part is inside (kind of like when we get a big piece of pizza and fold it in half). Yummmmmy.
We came home, drank a beer and went to bed.
So far today, I spent the day with Dudu. He is a great cook! Our lunch today was massive and amazing. Tomato stew with carrots, potatoes and soy protein, Abobora Italiano (specially bought for me, the Italiana Abobora), which is zucchini, cooked with farofa, onion and a little bit of sausage, rice with corn in it, beans and tomato salad. Yummmmm. But more satisfying than the food was the conversation. I'm pretty amazed at how much I am able to understand in Portugese, and pleasantly suprised that so many people know at least a few words in English. It's nice to have a break from always thinking in Portuguese. Though I have learned two new words already -- roncar (to snore) and zooando (to mess with someone).
Tonight I think we're going to Mestre Ralil's class. That's all for now. Oh -- even though everyone here is very cold, I think it's perfect. 70ish degrees during the day, 60ish at night....ahhhhh! Perfeito!
Lots of stores are right across the street from Nagi's house, and after lunch we went to the market, then came back and took a great nap. I had the funniest dream during this nap! I was at the market with Nagi and Tapioca and we were waiting in line at a machine to fill bottles with fresh water. I was next in line but a woman came and cut in front of me. I tried to explain to her politely that I was next, but she began screaming at me and causing a scene. Then she called the police! They arrived and questioned us both separately and called in the Cheif of Police. He noticed that Tapioca was wearing a maid's uniform and understood that she was here on a tourist visa but was working as someone's housekeeper here. Knowing he now had us on a real charge, he threatened to take us in. I called Nagi over for help, but though he tried, he got frustrated with the police and the woman causing the trouble and started yelling, making things worse. I was seated next to the Cheif so I whispered in his ear, "Voce conhece Ralil Salomao? Do you know Ralil?" All of a sudden, the dream cut to later and, sure enough, name-dropping Ralil was enough for the police to lift the charges and set us free. Phew!
After waking, I went with Nagi to his class. It was great. I wore my ankle brace and sneakers and didn't feel any pain at all (though I was winded from being so tired). His students are great --very talented and fun to play with. We did a combination of 1. Armada 2. Armada 1. Martelo datrais 2. ponteira 1. bande em pe. It was great. My old friend, Sinistro, who I met in Santa Cruz, came to class and I got to play with him a lot in the roda.
We stopped for pizza and juice on the way home at Dom Bosco, where Coelho is famous for having eaten there every day when he was here last year. They serve two small pieces of pieces folded on top of eachother so that the bottom of the crust is outside and the cheesy part is inside (kind of like when we get a big piece of pizza and fold it in half). Yummmmmy.
We came home, drank a beer and went to bed.
So far today, I spent the day with Dudu. He is a great cook! Our lunch today was massive and amazing. Tomato stew with carrots, potatoes and soy protein, Abobora Italiano (specially bought for me, the Italiana Abobora), which is zucchini, cooked with farofa, onion and a little bit of sausage, rice with corn in it, beans and tomato salad. Yummmmm. But more satisfying than the food was the conversation. I'm pretty amazed at how much I am able to understand in Portugese, and pleasantly suprised that so many people know at least a few words in English. It's nice to have a break from always thinking in Portuguese. Though I have learned two new words already -- roncar (to snore) and zooando (to mess with someone).
Tonight I think we're going to Mestre Ralil's class. That's all for now. Oh -- even though everyone here is very cold, I think it's perfect. 70ish degrees during the day, 60ish at night....ahhhhh! Perfeito!
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