Sunday, August 22, 2010

Back in Brasilia

I finally ended the solo part of my trip.  I felt a mixture of happiness and sadness for it all to end.  It was so interesting to be somewhat alone for a little more than two weeks.  Although, after about five days, I made a good friend and was hardly alone at all, except for during the days when my friend was working and I was walking the endless beach.  So, I felt a bit sad for that aspect to end.  So much of what I experienced in Bahia was like a dream or a movie -- so much was so wonderful.  In fact, everything was wonderful, and it is wonderful to have two weeks jam packed full of wonderful things. 

But returning to Brasilia means returning to other wonderful things and people and places, too.  Before I left New York for this trip, I said to a friend that it is so great to be leaving for a vacation and to not hate the place I am leaving, which means that when it is over, I won't be upset about having to come back to "real life" -- I love my real life. And I felt the same about reutrning to Brasilia....I enjoy every moment here, so I wasn't that upset about ending the solo beach adventure and re-joining Nagi and the gang here for more inland adventures. 

I spent one day in Salvador, just a few hours less than 24, because my flight was booked to leave from there.  I will definitely return to explore that city next year.  I didn't get to do much there because my ferry arrived at sunset so I went directly to my pousada, had dinner and stayed in.  The next morning I didn't have much time before my flight and it was overcast and a bit cold for the beach, so I went shopping for a dress for Jad's wedding.  No luck on the dress, but I hit a goldmine of tank tops and brazilian underwear.  Oh, and another bikini.  My bus ride to the airport went along the coast, so I got to see the amazing ocean smashing the shoreline.  Que bonita!!!

So, I am back in Brasilia and recovering from Jad's wedding, which was last night.  It was a blast. A wedding in Brazil is very much the same as a wedding in the U.S., but the music is all in Portuguese and rice is served with dinner. One difference is that there is a tradition here to have a necktie from the groom and a couple of the groomsmen circulate around the room with the tie and a pair of scissors. You get to cut a piece of the tie and keep it if you give money that will go to the lua de mel (honeymoon).  I had spent the day of the wedding and the day before with Jad helping him run errands and really got to see how happy and excited he was to get married. I'm not a big fan of weddings, and I defintely don't have big romantic notions for my own wedding, so I'm usually a bit jaded when it somes to these ceremonies (with the exception of my sister's wedding - I was thrilled for that one).  But it was so lovely to see him so happy and ready.  Parabens, Jad!!!

Today I will go to Max (aka Bahia) and Patricia's house to hang out with them and their pool.  (My tan from my beach trip is stellar and I must maintain!!)  I can't wait.  They are both such wonderful people and I'm really looking forward to hanging out with them and their family.

This week is full of good plans -- aqua mineral, flying kites in the park, early morning personal training sessions with Nagi, and lots of capoeira.

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